Friday, March 7, 2014

Hassan Al Banna - Ikhwanul Muslimeen - Neglected Thawheedh

Work of Shaikh Ahmad an-Najmee (rahimahullah) -

Allaah says in Surat al-Kahf (ayat : 103-105):

Say (O Muhammad): Shall We tell you the greatest losers in respect of (their) deeds? “Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their deeds! “They are those who deny the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of their Lord and the Meeting with Him (in the Hereafter). So their works are in vain, and on the Day of Resurrection, We shall not give them any weight.

Who are the greatest losers? Those who are lost, thinking they’re upon good. The one who does not meet Allaah with Tawheed; he does not know the Islamic religion. The Sufis think they can make du’aa to the creation, or that awliya can perform kiramat (miracles). The one who grows up among the Sufis, do you think they will be safe from these bid’ah and shirk? No, except he whom Allaah saves.

Ikhwanees have neglected Thawheedh. Hasan al-Banna was brought up with Sufis (proof can be found on pg. 27 of his own book - Al Ikhwan Al Muslimun, Ihdaf sana’at Tarikh), and used to attend a nest of shirk that is the Mashhad (shrine) of Zainab. In Damna Hur, he met with the people of the Sufi order, and took from them that path. (pg. 28 of his own book).

This Jama’ah of Ikhwanul Muslimeen is rooted in Sufi Order. Why do you [Ikhwanees] not look at the ‘aqeedah of Thawheedh and read a single aya?

Allaah says:
And the mosques are for Allaah (Alone), so invoke not anyone along with Allaah.[Quran 72:18]

And they call to Wahdat ul-Wujud (the deviant belief that everything is Divine, that Allaah is everywhere, and that He is in His creation, and that Allaah’s presence is the only presence.) (pg. 70-71, again of al-Bannah’s own book)

Hasan’s brother said: “After ‘Isha, my brother [Hassan al-Bannah] used to sit with the Hasafia…”

At the shrine of Zainab (daughter of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)), people would make tawaff and make du’aa to it; al-Bannah gave khutbas there. Al-Bannah did not forbid shirk that happened right around him, refusing to deal with this (shirk such as du’aa to Zainab, tawaaf of shrine).

The Ikhwanees observe shirk around the graves – du’aa to the dead, tawaaf, ruku’ – and don’t put forth any effort to remove this shirk.

It is obligatory that if you call to Allaah, and witness shirk [being committed with Allaah], that you call them to Thawheedh and refute shirk. Al-Bannah went to the graves and gave lectures, giving the impression to the regular people that this was alright. [This created a problem for people who held al-Bannah in high esteem.]

Al-Bannah himself wrote in his own book (pg. 33, Al-Ikhwan Al Muslimun, Ihdaf sana’at Tarikh) that after fajr on Friday, he and his people used to walk three hours [20 KM] to the grave of Zainab [the shrine] inside the masjid, pray Jumu’ah, eat lunch and relax, pray ‘asr and then go home.

They used to go the graves, specifically to either make du’aa (bid’ah in this situation, because he specifically traveled to the grave and specifically to make du’aa there) or pray:

Shaikh Ahmad An-Najmee (rahimahullah) made the following observations about Hassan al-Bannah, founder of Ikhwanul Muslimeen:

1- al-Bannah diluted these people (by going to these shrines) into believing that du’aa to the grave, or tawaaf around the grave, or sacrifice, or vowing to other than Allaah is  from Islam.

2- al-Bannah gave power to the grave-worshippers.

3- al-Bannah accepted the mushrikun, even though their ‘aqeedah may have been that of the Rafidah, who believe their imams are mistake-free. [Only Allaah is Perfect!] Never did al-Bannah tell the Shi’a, or Qadariah, or Mu’tazila to leave their ‘aqidah. [Note: Prophets are mistake-free regarding sins and in (conveying) the religion]

4- al-Bannah called the Shi’a his “brothers”, even though they call their imam “perfect”, even though they say that Angel Jibril (‘alaihi salaam) erred in sending the Qur’an to the Prophet, even though they curse Abu Bakr and ‘Umar and ‘Uthman, also calling them “kufar”, even though they call ‘Aisha an adultress (despite Allaah exonerating her in the Qur`an], even though they say the Qur`an is incomplete…

5 - al-Bannah tried to bring the Muslims together regardless of ‘aqeedah, instead of trying to bring them together upon correctness, upon the correct ‘aqeedah, upon the truth. [al-Bannah] said: “The Shi’a and Sunni are Muslimun. They are united upon the banner of la illaha il Allaah.”

6- al-Banna’s erroneous beliefs that tawassul is not from ‘aqeedah. His 15th Principal from his book of 20 principals is: if du’aa is attached to tawassul, then this is from the brances of the deen and not from ‘aqeedah.”  [Nadharat fi Risalit Ta'lim]

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