Friday, April 25, 2014

Deviant interpretations given to the Kalima - Part 1

The purpose behind prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) preaching consistently the arabic statement "La ilaaha illallah"  is to establish in the hearts that There is none worthy of being worshiped except Allah, thus its the meaning of La ilaaha illallah. There are many thing that are being worshiped other than Allah, However, the only one worthy of being worshiped in truth is, Allah alone. Everything else that is worshiped other than Allah is worshiped in falsehood.

As Allah says:
“This is because Allah is the truth (the only one who is worshiped in truth) and what they (the polytheists) invoke besides Him is false (falsehood) and Verily Allah, He is the Most High, the Most Great.” [Quran 22:62]

Most of the muslims do not know nor do they understand the true meaning of La ilaaha illallah and thus interpret it with erroneous interpretations that lead to Kufr and Shirk

This statement of Thawheedh has been explained with numerous deviant interpretations, will look into 3 deviant interpretations insha.Allah, among them is the explanation given by the people who believe that Allah is everywhere, everything is Allah, namely Ibnu Arabee and his followers.

They try to explain it as:

1) La Ma'boodh illallah 

Meaning- There is nothing worshiped except Allah.
This is because they try to emphasise that everything is Allah, thats why we see that people like Ibnu Arabee said that they worship themselves because they believe that everything is Allah.

They do not distinguish Allah and the creations, they say that everything is Allah.

besides this being not the pupose of the Kalima, this is not true, one verse is enough to prove it wrong
“This is because Allah is the truth (the only one who is worshiped in truth) and what they (the polytheists) invoke besides Him is false (falsehood) and Verily Allah, He is the Most High, the Most Great.” [Quran 22:62]

its clear from the verse whetever is worshiped other than Allah is worshiped in falsehood.
This concept is worse than the concept of Trinity, this concept is like that of the Hindu's concept of God, which is Pantheism
Even Phirown claimed that he is God, but he truly is not God, he is just a creation.

Only some of the people of soofiyyahs believe in it.

This does not need more explanations, because a muslim will never go after just theories made by someone leaving all the Quranic verses and Hadeeths.
The other two wrong interpretations will be dealt deeply insha.Allah

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