Thursday, July 3, 2014

Deviant Interpretations given to the Kalima - Part 2

The second deviant interpretation that we are going to learn is the interpretation given by the Thableeq Jamaath and some of the Soofies. this has no definite interpretation, they explain it as that "There is no creator except Allah", and sometimes say that "To Allah belongs everything in the universe, Allah has power over all things".

Its identical in their preaching, when they call towards religion, they say "You have wealth, but thats what Allah has given to you, its not becouse of you efforts ...." and sometimes, "Allah created this ... Allah created that ...... Allah is the creator of all things" 

In short "Allah is the creator and owner of all things"

Harmonizing it, it would be as "There is no creator except Allah"

2) Laa Khaaliq illallah

meaning - There is no creator except Allah
This is not a belief that is against islam, we do not deny it, for sure; Allah is the creator and owner of all things, but that is not what is intended by the testimony La ilaaha illallah.

Infact the polytheists of Makkah had already accepted this interpretation.

As Allah says:
If you asked them, "Who created the heavens and earth and subjected the sun and the moon?" they would surely say, "Allah." Then how are they deluded? [Quran 29:61]

In another verse:
And if you asked them, "Who sends down rain from the sky and gives life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness?" they would surely say, "Allah." Say, "Praise to Allah"; but most of them do not reason. [Quran 29:63]

In another verse:
And if you asked them, "Who created the heavens and earth?" they would surely say, "Allah." Say, "[All] praise is [due] to Allah"; but most of them do not know. [Quran 31:25]

In another verse:
And if you asked them, "Who created the heavens and the earth?" they would surely say, "Allah." Say, "Then have you considered what you invoke besides Allah? If Allah intended me harm, are they removers of His harm; or if He intended me mercy, are they withholders of His mercy?" Say, "Sufficient for me is Allah; upon Him [alone] rely the [wise] reliers." [Quran 39:38]

In another verse:
And if you asked them who created them, they would surely say, "Allah." So how are they deluded? [Quran 43:87]

The polytheists of makkah had accepted it so much so that they even made dua to Allah:
And [remember] when they said, "O Allah, if this should be the truth from You, then rain down upon us stones from the sky or bring us a painful punishment." [Quran 8:32]

In another verse:
And when adversity touches you at sea, lost are [all] those you invoke except for Him. But when He delivers you to the land, you turn away [from Him]. And ever is man ungrateful. [Quran 17:67]

In another verse:
Say, "Who provides for you from the heaven and the earth? Or who controls hearing and sight and who brings the living out of the dead and brings the dead out of the living and who arranges [every] matter?" They will say, "Allah," so say, "Then will you not fear Him?"
For that is Allah, your Lord, the Truth. And what can be beyond truth except error? So how are you averted? [Quran 10:31-32]

to conclude, since the polytheists of makkah had already accepted this, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam surely did not intend this meaning,
what is realy intended by the statement La ilaaha illallah is that "There is none worthy of being worshipped except Allah"

As Allah says:
And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], "Worship Allah and avoid thaghooth (false dieties)." And among them were those whom Allah guided, and among them were those upon whom error was [deservedly] decreed. So proceed [i.e., travel] through the earth and observe how was the end of the deniers. [Quran 16:36]

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