Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Aqeedha Lesson - Belief In Thawheedh - Part 3

Thawheedh Al Uluhiyah

Thawheedh Al Uluhiyah is to single out Allah in worship, i.e. through the actions of the slave which he performs inorder to get close to Allah in the manner prescribed by the shariah.

Thawheedh Ar Rububiyah necessitates Thawheedh Al Uluhiyah, He who affirms and declares that there is no creator, sustainer, or controller of the universe except Allah - then he is required to proclaim Thawheedh Al Uluhiyah, i.e no one deserves any form of worship except Allah.

His saying:
"O mankind! Worship your Lord (Allah) Who created you and those who were before you so that you may become pious. Who has made the earth a resting place for you and the sky as a canopy and sent down water (rain) from the sky and brought forth therewith fruits as a provision for you. Then do not set up rivals unto Allah (in worship) while you know (that He Alone has the right to be worshiped)." [Quran 2:21-22]

Allah thus ordered them with Thawheed al-Uluhiyah - which is His worship - and He presented as a proof - Thawheed ar-Rububiyah which is that Allah created the people of the earlier times and the Thawheed ar-Rububiyah necessitates Thawheed al-Uluhiyah latter generations. He created the sky and the earth and all that is between them; the blowing of the wind, sending down of the rain, the growing of the plants, the production of fruits which is the provision of the slaves. So it is not befitting for man to associate partners with Allah - such partners, whom he knows that they have not done any of the above or anything else besides that.

The slave cannot be a Muwahhid (one who believes in Tawheed in the correct manner) by affirming Tawheed ar-Rububiyah alone - until he declares Tawheed al-Uluhiyah and establishes it.

As mentioned earlier, the Mushriks (polytheists) of Makkah used to proclaim Allah's Oneness in Rububiyah but it did not qualify them to enter Islam. The Messenger of Allah (sal) preached "laa ilaaha illallaah" to them while they were declaring that Allah is the Creator and Provider, the One, Who gives life and death

As Allah says,
"If you ask them who created them, they will surely say, 'Allah.'' [Quran 43:87]

So the purpose of the Prophet (sal) preaching "laa ilaaha illallaah" [There is no ilah (God) except Allah] was to single out Allah in worship.

As Allah says:
'And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming), 'Worship Allah (Alone), and avoid Taghoot (false deities).' [Quran 16:36]

And His saying:
And We did not send any Messenger before you but We inspired him (saying), La ilaha illa Ana [none has the right to be worshipped but I (Allah)], so worship Me (Alone and none else).' [Quran 21:25]

Hence, this category of Thawheedh is the main objective of Da'wah

And it is the wisdom behind creation

As Allah says:

"I created not the jinn and humans except that they should worship Me (Alone). I seek not any provision from them nor do I ask that they should feed Me." [Quran 51:56]

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