Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Aqeedha Lesson - Belief In Thawheedh - Part 4

Actions and beliefs against the belief in Thawheedh Al Uluhiyah Condemned in Qur’an & Sunnah

Thawheedh Al Uluhiyah is all about worship; therefor it is also called as Thawheedh Al Ibaadha. Ibadah has many forms. It includes all forms of outward obedience of the tongue and the limbs and inward obedience of the heart.

The types of worship that Allah commanded, such as Islam, Iman, Ihsan. which includes: Supplication (Dua), Fear (khawf), Hope (Rajaa), Reliance (Tawakkul), Longing (Raghbah) and Dreading (Rahbah), Submissiveness (khushoo), Repentance (Inaabah), Seeking Assistance (Isti'aanah), Seeking Refuge (Isti'aadhah), Offering Sacrifices (Dhabah), and all other types of worship that Allah commanded - All of these belong to Allah, alone.

1)      Supplication (Dua);

His saiying:
Whoever calls unto another god besides Allah, of which he has no proof for, his reckoning is only with his Lord. Surely, the disbelievers will not be successful [Quran 23:117]

2)       Fear (Khawf);

His saying:
Do not fear them, but fear Me if you are true believers [Quran 3:175]

3)       Hope (Rajaa);

His saying:
So, Whoever Hopes to meet his Lord, then let him perform righteous deeds, and not mix anyone into worship of his Lord [Quran 18:10]

4)      Reliance (Tawakkul);

His saying:
And upon Allah (alone) put your reliance if you are truly believers [Quran 5:23]

5)      Longing (Raghbah), Dreading (Rahbah) & Submissiveness (khushoo);

His saying:
Verily they used to rush to do good deeds, and they would call on us longing (His reward), and dreading (His punishment), and they used to humble themselves submissively before Us [Quran 21:90]

6)      Repentance (Inaabah);

His saying:
And turn to your Lord in repentance and submit to Him (as Muslims) [Quran 39:54]

7)      Seeking Assistance (Isti'aanah);

His saying:
You alone do we worship and in You alone do we seek assistance [Quran 1:4]

And the prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said:
".....When you seek assistance, then seek assistance in Allah ....."

"Is not He Who responds to the distressed one, when he calls Him; and Who removes the evil, and makes you inheritors of the earth, generations after generations? Is there any god with Allah? Little is that you remember!" [Quran 27:62]

8)      Seeking Refuge (Isti'aadhah);

His saying:
Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind [Quran 114:1]

And His saying:
"And verily, there were men among mankind who took shelter with the male jinns, but they (jinns) increased them (mankind) in sin and disbelief" [Quran 72:6]

 9)      Offering Sacrifices (Dhabah);

His saying:
Say: 'Verily my prayer, my sacrifice, my living and my dying, are for Allah, Lord of the worlds. He has no partner. And of this i have been commanded, and i am the first of the muslims' [Quran 6:162-163]

"Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) informed me about four Judgments (of Allah): (1) Allah's curse is upon the one who slaughters (devoting his sacrifice) to anything other than Allah; (2) Allah's curse is upon the one who curses his own parents; (3) Allah's curse is upon the one who shelters an heretic (who has brought a Bid'ah in religion); (4) Allah's curse is upon the one who alters the landmarks (who changes boundary lines)."
[Saheeh Muslim]

So, whoever directs any of the acts of Worship (including: Salah, Fasting etc... all types of worship commanded by Allah) to other than Allah, then he is a Polytheist (Mushrik), disbeliever (Kafir).

10)   Concernig seeking blessing through a Idol, grave, tree, stone, like ......

We went out with Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) on the campaign to Hunain while we had just left disbelief (Kufr) for Islam. The Mushrikin had a Sidra (lote-tree) that they would stay there and hang their arms on, called Dhat Anwat.
When we passed a Sidra, we asked, "0 Messenger of Allah, won't you make for us another Dhat Anwat just like their Dhat Anwat?" Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, "Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Most Great)! By the One (Allah) Who holds my soul in His Hand, verily these are the ways of earlier nations, you have said exactly as Bani Israel said to Musa (alai): 'Make for us a god just as their gods.' "
He said: " 'Verily you are a people who know not.' (7:138) Certainly you will follow the ways of those who went before you."

11)   Concerning making a (animal) sacrifice in a place where sacrifice is made for other than Allah

A man made a vow to sacrifice a camel at a place called Buwanah, so he asked the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) a about it. He said, "Did the place have any idol which is worshipped, of the idols of Jahiliyah?" They answered, "No". The Prophet asked again, "Did the disbelievers hold any of their recurring festivities there?" They answered, "No."
Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) then said, "Fulfil your vow. Verily there is no fulfilling of a vow made in disobedience to Allah, nor one that is beyond a person's capacity."
[Bukhari & Muslim]

12)   Concerning excessive dogma in a righteous person (root to deviation)

Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said:
"Do not exaggerate in praise of me just as the Christians exaggerated in the praise of Jesus, son of Mary. I am but a slave, so call me Allah's slave and His Messenger."
[Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

13)   Condemnation of the One who worships Allah at the Grave of a Righteous Man

"Umm Salamah (rali Allahu anha) mentioned to Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) that in Abyssinia she saw a church full of pictures and statues. He said: "When a righteous man or pious worshipper among them dies they build a place of worship over his grave and set up all kinds of pictures and statues. They are the worst of all creatures before Allah. They combine the two evils; worshipping at the graves and- making graven images and statues."
[Saheeh Bukhari]

Aisha (rali Allahu anha) narrated:
When the death approached Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) he began to draw a piece of cloth (bed sheet) over his face, (sometimes covering and sometimes removing because of distress), he said in this state: "Allah's curse be upon the Jews and the Christians for taking the graves of their Prophets as places of worship." Thus he warned the people about their actions.
Had there not been any fears of making the Prophet’s grave a place of worship, his grave would have been as open as the graves of his Companions.
[Saheeh Bukhari & Saheeh Muslim]

14)   Concerning Love

His saying:
"And of mankind are some who take (for worship) others besides Allah as rivals (to Allah). They love them as they love Allah." [Quran 2:165]

15)   Concerning Showing Off

The Prophet (sal) said: "Shall I not tell you what I fear for you more than the false Messiah?" The Companions (rali) said, "Indeed, O Messenger of Allah," He said, "Inconspicuous Shirk, as, when a .person improves his rendering of the Salat when he knows that others are watching."
[Musnad Ahmedh]

16)   Concerning forbidding what Allah has made permissible and permitting what He has made forbidden

It is narrated from Adi bin Hatim (rali Allahu anhu) :
I heard the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) read this verse: "They (Jews and Christians) took their rabbis and their monks to be their lords besides Allah, and Messiah -son of Maryam, while they were commanded to worship none but One Ilah (God Allah) La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). Praise and glory be to Him, (far above is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him)". (9:31)
So I said to him (sal)' "Verily, we did not worship them," to which he replied, "Did they not make Haram what Allah made Halal so you then made it Haram, and (did they not) make Halal what Allah made Haram and you therefore made it Halal?" I said, "Yes." He said, "That is worshipping them."

17)   Concerning devoting to Idols, Graves, etc... as Waseela (means to get colser to Allah) and saying "They are our Intercessors with Allah"

His saying:
Unquestionably, for Allah is the pure religion. And those who take protectors besides Him [say], "We only worship them that they may bring us nearer to Allah in position." Indeed, Allah will judge between them concerning that over which they differ. Indeed, Allah does not guide he who is a liar and [confirmed] disbeliever. [Quran 39:3]

And His saying:
And they worship other than Allah that which neither harms them nor benefits them, and they say, "These are our intercessors with Allah." Say, "Do you inform Allah of something He does not know in the heavens or on the earth?" Exalted is He and high above what they associate with Him. [Quran 10:18]

There may be more, but this is all I could find

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